
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Sunday Night Chit-Chat March 25th Edition

Sunday Night Chit-Chat! A bit late I know.

Thanks to Carla for hosting the Chit Chat!

What are you...
One Year to an Organized Life by Regina Leeds - I bought a used copy of this book as my library didn't have it. I like that it has you focus on a different area each month and am going to use this to help rethink our use of our house and to continue reducing our possessions or replacing them with ones we love.  April is Bathrooms.
I'm watching my dog sleep curled up into a little doughnut shape and oblivious to the world.  If only I slept that well!
Listening to?
Nothing in particular right now.
We are having vegetables over rice, fruit salad and ice tea for dinner. 
Happy you accomplished this week? Scheduled all of the appointments needed for my new consulting project.
Looking forward to next week?
I'm giving a talk on Thursday to a class called Decatur 101 which introduces residents to how their city works and volunteer options available that support the city.  I'll be representing the Friends of the Decatur Library.  This is the first year we have been invited and I'm excited about talking to 70 people about a cause dear to my heart.
Thankful for today?
The continued lovely weather with perfect for me temperatures.


  1. I like the sounds of that book! With it focusing on one area a month, it really makes it seem very achievable! :) Good luck with your talk on Thursday, sounds like you'll enjoy it!


March Reads - First half

I checked off   prompts this month for the 52 Books Reading Challenge. My favorite genres continues to be  Cozy Mysteries, Historical Myster...