
Sunday, June 30, 2024

Summer weather is here about a month early

The 7 day forecast is all in the mid 80’s which is warm for here this time of year. That means -

  • Taking the 7 year old grand girl out for ice cream this afternoon
  • Doing garage cleaning/reorganizing, laundry and yard work early in the morning
  • Breaking out the summer clothes but still layering as it is chilly in the morning 
  • No baking
  • Getting those missing window and sliding door screens ordered
  • Supplementing the drip irrigation system with select hand watering
  • Making sure the pup gets a good long walk before the heat peaks as he gets hot easily
  • Figuring how to maximize our new upstairs split system AC in tandem with a couple of fans
Feeling still like I am always behind living here!

 Do you have specific summer challenges where you live?


July - Want & Must To Do List

Let’s start with what I must/need to do this month. 3 doctor appointments - routine checks & follow ups 4 Pilates private sessions Dog g...