
Monday, April 15, 2024

Mid month check in

I am making progress on what matters for the month.

Focus 1 - Being a supportive local grandparent is a priority for me as is enjoying the time spent with the girls as well as our son and DIL. I will focus on spending time with the granddaughters.

We had a good time during her Spring break. I will see them this weekend at son’s birthday family party.

Focus 2 - Celebrate our 43rd anniversary and our son’s 41st birthday in person as well as our older DIL’s birthday long distance plus make plans for celebrating son & DIL anniversary and Mother’s Day in May.

We went to a new to us Greek restaurant for lunch on our 43rd anniversary. We both would like to go to the restaurant again so we have a new one on our list for repeatsSent a gift to DIL for her birthday and had a good chat on the day itself.

Focus 3 - Last month I deep cleaned, decluttered and reorganized the main bath and this month it will be the large bedroom and adjoins little room I use for exercise.

I looked at some items in the main bedroom and decided to let them go. I’m creating a free pile to put out May 18th which is citywide yard.

Then I deep cleaned both rooms plus the hallway. Cleaned the closet, vacuumed the floor and baseboards, dusted everything including door tops and so on, turned the mattress, and reorganized the bedside table to make the drawers less crowded. I still need to wash the floor.

Focus 4 - Lean into my Pilates exercises and walking for exercise in addition to walking the pup. No more talking myself out of doing that!

Still need to improve on this between scheduled weekly Pilates sessions.

Focus 5 - Enjoy our yard more by creating a spot for sitting for coffee, wine or a meal. That means some patio end tables and a larger table of some sort. Perhaps a patio coffee table, bistro table or a 6 person table?

We bought 4 outdoor patio tables that fold so they can be kept in the garage until the weather is good. Holding off on a larger table until we see if we really would use it.


  1. Those are great areas to focus on.

    God bless.

  2. I'm having a hard time forcing myself out for walks, despite buying new tennies for it. I do endorse carving out an outdoor space. I will be putting my patio back together this week after having the house painted and I am looking forward to some happy hours out there!

    1. Thanks for the encouragement about setting up our patio spac.

  3. Belated congratulations on your anniversary!

  4. I have just completed a 6 day sub job and I am thrilled to be able to stay home tomorrow. Had started my spring cleaning before I accepted the assignment. Back at it this week. I appreciate all your hard work in that department too. It sure isn't fun - like being with the grands is - but it feels good to get the house in good shape. Happy anniversary!!


Dinners & the week ahead

I am determined that this week with lots of rainy days forecast that I will finally get through most of the paperwork that has been sitting ...