
Thursday, January 18, 2024

Thriving Thursday Week 3

Happiness, Comfort & Health

Lots of good family time plus exercise and progress on that darn move to do list.

Now that I know where a lot of things are I’m happy with the ease of most errands. Tuesday I did a short loop of errands to the hardware store, drugstore, UPS store and library. I could have easily gone to several grocery stores and debated going on to the coffee shop but is was nearly lunchtime so restrained myself☕️😁

As expected, between colder weather and a rate increase for electricity and gas our bill is a lot higher than it has been. Not that it is very cold here compared to most of the country! We are very fortunate that we can keep the house at a temperature that is comfortable for us although we are wearing layers as much as possible. 

The first year in this house is an experiment in adjusting ourselves and the house’s systems but we are opting for comfort. We are now seriously thinking about having an energy audit done and then following the air sealing and insulation upgrade recommendations as much as possible.

Minding our Money and the Environment 

Hubby touched up some exterior paint and caulked a tiny hole by a window frame where ants were coming in. He found he could use the house paint we thought had to be taken to hazardous waste. Now we need to find out if we can have a small amount transferred from 5 gallon containers to small paint cans and then safely dispose of the rest.

Sticking to my library books only pledge so far this year.

Making Home Upkeep Easier

Cleared, cleaned and reorganized the garage aka laundry and storage room. Found places where the floor paint was coming off but I really don’t care.

Keeping up with weeding our newly landscaped yard. I figure two years of more weeding than I want until the weeds managing to emerge from under the weed barrier are gone. Hope I’m right.


  1. You are doing well. Hopefully your electrical and gas bills go down in the future. I shudder to think what ours will be this coming month.

    God bless.

    1. I do expect that this bill and the next will be the highest and we pay very little when not running the heat - thankfully.

  2. Oh, if only I could reorganize my garage...or bedroom closets. Feels like overall my life would be easier - but I have so little time (babysitting a medically complex grandchild) that it never seems to happen. But I have hope that in the future I'll get there! Kudos to you for doing that.

    1. It sounds like you are doing something much more important than decluttering. Your grandchild and child are very fortunate to have you.

  3. My daughter in Ft. Worth has seen the prediction for their electricity bill for the month and it is over $700 so far. We are keeping our thermostat on 66* but I am always cold. This recent cold front that hit much of the country is going to be an expensive one.
    I am trying to use my library more often, too. But I am such a slow reader. I usually listen to the book club book of the month and then read other things I am interested in.
    We need to touch up our interior paint. Would love to have the walls and baseboards painted but I don't relish the idea of moving all the furniture to do that.


Life happens - Thriving week 38

My social life is looking up. I had a long coffee get together with a neighbor I really enjoy and have another scheduled with a new acquaint...