
Sunday, January 7, 2024

Hotdogs and chips plus art venues

We decided to go totally kid friendly when our son and 7 year old granddaughter came to lunch on Friday. Hotdogs in buns, chips and cut up raw veggies. She cheered when I told her what we were having and I really enjoyed it as a change from our usual lunches. We did get chicken sausage to and the guys had one of each.

Our son got all the fixings on his

She stayed afterwards for a while which made the pup and us quite happy. I’m loving our impromptu chats about little things. Perla bead art for the activity win followed by soft serve frozen yogurt as a treat and then dropped her home. Later we went to watch her final private swim lesson followed by getting Thai takeout. A lovely afternoon and evening complete with several spontaneous hugs from her.

I did some online searching for arts venues to check out. Found 2 local-ish art centers and 2 museums in San Francisco. Lots of live theater to consider including many small venues in Berkeley. A few arts and crafts class venues plus knitting groups. Now to think about what kind of live music options to find and to get out there are explore.


  1. I bet you are just loving seeing the little ones much more often.

    God bless.

  2. Your move has served you well and you're still learning about your new location. You're poised to have a great year ahead.


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