
Thursday, November 9, 2023

Thankful: November 8

 Today I am thankful for clean water as so many people in the world can’t access it readily.

What are you thankful for?


  1. I am thankful for enough food when so many are struggling.

    God bless.

  2. I think about those who have to walk so far to fetch just enough water for the day's activities and I feel so guilty when I run the tap one second longer than I need to. My father always ran just a trickle of water for whatever he was doing at the sink. I am so impatient that I always automatically crank the tap wide open, then think better of it and turn it down some.


Lilacs, technology and insurance - Thriving week 36

I saw this lilac bush on one of my 7am dog walks and it brought back memories of the lilac bushes in my childhood backyard in Illinois. I re...