
Thursday, November 17, 2022

November Half Gone - and we are gone too + thankful

Fun, Experiences and Giving 

By the time this is posted we will be in the car with the pup and starting our 7 hour drive to Berkeley for our granddaughter's 6th birthday party. Fingers crossed pup doesn't go wild in the car or at their house. I am very thankful that we can go visit our family so easily.

Speaking of the pup, we are working on taking him new places so he has new experiences. In October we took him around Old Town Camarillo past restaurant outdoor seating and so on. We also went to the local Cal State campus and walked him around the big fountain, grassy areas and up to the library entrance & he watched pickleball and bocce ball games at our rec center. This month we have taken him to the groomer and vet (I don't think those count although he is ecstatically happy to greet everyone at both places). He also went with me to the pet store to pick up his new ID tag and enjoyed walking the aisles.

Forward Motion

Decluttered by donating prior dog's crate, other smaller dog items, a lap quilt, small rug, shoes, book, guitar. Recycled or trashed papers from files, an old garage light fixture, other garage items.

A fabulous club meeting and 2 more new members! That makes 4 in the last month. All are high energy and very interested in active involvement. Two even jumped in and helped wash dishes after lunch (very old building so no dishwasher). Two very interested guests too so at least one more new member soon I would think. We also raised some money with our Holiday Boutique sale which moves on to the district meeting later this month.

Engaging Project

It looks like we can afford to move even with the future scenario of income decreasing due to death of one of us. So now the question is do we want to make the leap? We will take a couple of hours to drive by houses currently for sale while we are visiting so we can get a clearer idea about neighborhoods.

Prudent Spending 

The new dishwasher is installed and is working great.

A rush trip to the vet did get the bee stinger out of pup’s paw and medication into his system to forestall worse reactions than the 6 bouts of vomiting that took us to the vet. Pup was fine the next day.

Frugal Things  

I bought a sleeveless top and two scarves from ThredUp and a short sleeve top from Goodwill. 

And a Random Odd Event  

I just happened to look outside at the moment when a termite swarm was resting on our patio. Glad I had stocked up on bug spray as we used a lot to try to eliminate all of them. It was better than when a swarm came in through our kitchen skylight a few years ago lol.


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