
Thursday, December 2, 2021

Thoughts about 2021 and 2022

 I’m sitting here early in the morning with my little dog curled up tight and asleep snuggled against me having my first cup of coffee. It is very quiet but then it usually is where I live. It is totally fogged in outside and still dark. I’m warm and relaxed though and I try to keep these kind of things in mind when I’m not so content.

2021 is almost over and while I’m not wishing it gone faster than it will be it has been difficult in some way for almost everyone and in very horrible ways for the world. So I am very thankful to simply be here still.

That feeling doesn’t make for happy hours and days though so I’m going to say that for me 2021 was simply ok. Not great, not horrible - just ok overall.

I’d like to improve on that when I end up rating 2022. So here are my thoughts on how to do so given what is in my control or ability to influence. 

I sure can't control the pandemic, other people's behavior/choices, many aspects of my/other's health, the weather and so on. But I can control my own behavior to an extent (I still will be me for better and worse lol). 

So here goes my hopes for change in 2022 by changing the way I behave and my choices.

- I really want to spend more time with my immediate family. I may have to do that by myself since for both of us to go means managing the dog coming too or not leaving her long. With one car it is a challenge but there is the train or I could suck it up and fly. Have to think on this.

- I want to resume more activities that I enjoy. I have found one local live theater that is open again plus an art gallery. Nearby is one small art museum I enjoyed before. There must be more that has restarted safely.

- I want to make at least one more good local friend. I’m lonely and too reliant on a couple of friends, but then aren’t so many during the pandemic and otherwise. Need to think on what I can do within my Covid comfort level.

- I want to learn something. I need to get back to OLLI classes preferable in-person so I can meet more people again. I could also try learning a new hobby related activity.

- I need to limit my screen time and news scrolling. This is a new habit which needs to be wound back down to pre-pandemic, pre-surgery levels.

- I really want my stronger body back. The last 1 1/2 years have included 12 months plus of recovery from foot surgery but that is over with (almost) I keep saying I will exercise and eat better so this year is the time to re-discover my strong willpower and goal orientation and make it happen. 

The obstacles present for many aren't for me. I have generally good weather for being outdoors, a car and available funds. 

My town has good grocery stores and a farmers market, gyms, Pilates/yoga studios, a lovely community indoor pool, community exercise classes, bike lanes, walking trails, etc. plus free access within my HOA to safe if boring walking routes and a small gym, outdoor pool and exercise classes. 

Where did my willpower and determination disappear to? I need to find them!



  1. I think it's always helpful to do one thing rather than everything all at once. For example, add one vegetable to your dinner, walk around the block one day a week. For me setting small goals like that lead to lasting changes. Willpower is fleeting, imho.

  2. Getting stronger is no. 1 for this/next year. Being in the house so much I feel I have become weak. I keep saying I'm going to do some tv video exercises. I need to get serious about that.

  3. I intend to remain most focused on recovery from my hip surgery, which includes exercise, weight loss (13 pounds so far) and physical therapy. I, too, wish it were easier to wean myself from online news.

    1. Sounds like you are doing great with your weight loss. Good luck with the rest of your recovery.

  4. I always enjoy reading your goals and appreciate your honesty with us. Your list is ambitious, but I believe it's doable (if that's a word). I really agree with the first commenter, Sheila, who encouraged you to make changes, gradually. That worked for me. I started cutting down nearly everything I eat by about half. Of course, you don't have to limit most fresh fruits and veggies. I found the weight came off pretty steadily. I admit that I was hungry and fought cravings at first, but I decided to hang in there. I also started drinking a cup of warm water or organic tea after every meal. I found I enjoyed it so much, that I started drinking warm water quite often. It seemed to help me feel more satisfied. I admire your drive to improve your life and wish you success!

  5. I agree 2021 was just okay. I am slowly learning that I need to let go of what others do (difficult when they are in our family) and just concentrate on what I can do.

    Your list is wonderful. I am sure you will manage most if not all of it by taking things a step at a time.

    God bless.

    1. I learned long ago as a management consultant & executive coach to help people focus on what they could control or influence. It is more than enough to keep most of us occupied. Doesn't mean I still don't wish I could get others to do things differently!!!

  6. Agree, spend more time on friends and activities now that Covid is (hopefully) on the wane.

    1. I'm trying to find ways to do both even if Covid continues at the same pace yet still stay safe as I can.

  7. Excellent list and very doable - ones that I need to embrace. I turn 70 in January and sometime in the new year I am facing knee replacement. The pain now is getting to be a challenge at imes. But I need to work at getting stronger and fitter - no. 1 goals. We need a cheering on support.

    1. Cheering each other on is a good idea. Can you get prescrb3d some pre-surgery physical therapy? I met a woman who was having that and she said it was helping a lot. Of course you want to have 3nough PT left for after surgery but the pr might be doable at home once you h@v3 3xercises. Just an idea.

  8. I think you speak to what 2021 was like for many of us, though it did pick up considerable speed as the year progressed.

    Our 10 week summer RV trip was our highlight, and increasingly so as I view it in hindsight. And we now have multiple indoor venues that are requiring both proof of vaccination and masks, opening our world up even more. I am so appreciative to have these options in a pandemic world.

    In 2022 we are determined to get to Germany, where our daughter, SIL, and two granddaughters are currently living. Would not put ourselves through the travel stress that is sure to occur otherwise. If they were here in the USA, I would be fine bypassing all international travel for the time being. The quick and constantly changing protocols are so stressful!

    1. I so hope you can go see them without any travel drama. Good to hear from you.


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