
Sunday, December 12, 2021

Dec 5-11: Happiness & Thankfulness

What made me happy and thankful this week?

- Oh my, but Facetime is wonderful! We called to wish our DIL a happy birthday and got treated to about half a dozen little dance and comedy performances by our 5 year old granddaughter.

- I emailed my best friend from junior high-high school after not hearing from her for a long time. I got an immediate response and we are back in contact. I am very thankful she and all her family are all well.

- I helped pack donated homemade cookies for my club’s cookie sale. I made chocolate crinkle cookies and we ended up with a big variety.

- I got all my Christmas cards in the mail. And I gave some of the club sale cookies to a neighbor.

- Our older son and DIL will be at her parents for Christmas so brought us our present early. It is perfect. 4 kinds of homemade frozen waffles (blueberry, eggnog, cornmeal, pumpkin) and two unusual syrups (apple cider and coffee infused maple). I think they will be a month of Sunday morning waffles.

- At our club meeting we talked about holiday traditions and sang holiday songs which triggered some memories that haven’t surfaced in a long time. Especially fun was remembering the year my church youth group went caroling on a cold snowy Illinois evening.

- Grateful for the dog groomer who is so kind and gentle. When I went to pick up the dog she was walking around the grooming area all relaxed and just hanging out with her friends. Tells me she really likes them too.

- My required minimum distribution (first one!) arrived right as requested.


  1. Replies
    1. It has really helped my mood and outlook to keep a weekly list!

  2. As I read your list, I realized that all of it stems from relationships that are meaningful to you. I enjoy tracking the research done by Blue Zones, and they say the same thing. Maintaining those connections to the people we care about, nurtures us, just as much as eating healthy foods and exercising. It's wonderful to know that no matter how rich or poor, healthy or not so much, we can have full, happy lives if we reach out to others. Hope you continue to enjoy the season.

    1. Great point and why I want to build a more and a wider range of relationships in 2022. I can be too reserved and self sufficient.


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