
Saturday, November 27, 2021

December Plans

If you are in the US, I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving! We enjoyed our time with our older son and DIL and I am thankful we made it through another red flag wildfire warning over Thanksgiving with no fires locally.

How did I do on my November goals? I did have some motivational challenges but a few things on the list happened.

*** FITNESS - I did walk a lot more. Increased slightly my stretching/yoga workouts. 

*** FUN - Thanksgiving with our local son and DIL, birthday celebration for Hubby at the pier, long lunch and chat with friends, visited a new to me thrift shop to donate and looked around

FINISH - not one single thing on this list got done. See motivational challenge above lol.

Onward to December which we will be spending by ourselves until after Christmas when we will go to Berkeley to stay through New Year's. 

For December I'm trying more of a to do list approach of large and small things. I've got to exercise and eat well without it being a monthly goal so that is just going to have to happen.

There are things I need to get done this coming month and things I need to do to get past my pandemic blahs and anger. I'm going to try to live this advice better.


When you change the way you see yourself, you change.(Benjamin Hardy)

Good Energy/Adventure
* Go to Studio Channel Islands holiday fair (12/4 or 5)
* Go to Cancer Society thrift shop
* Go to farmer's market
* Drive around to see holiday lights

Connect with People
Attend club meeting and make cookies for sale at meeting (12/9)
* Attend book club (12/18)
* Attend Ventura Women's Club Tea (12/14)
* Attend friend’s husband’s poetry reading at library (12/15)
* Send holiday cards/emails or make phone calls
* Plan a fun time with Berkeley son and his family at end of month

Learn Something
* Attend library origami ornaments workshop (12/17)
* Learn at least 6 essential things on new phone
* Make something different for Christmas Eve/Christmas dinner for us

Take a Risk
* Take my long walking route at least once
* Go to the gym, Pilates class and/or get a massage

Get Important Stuff Done
* Confirm that minimum distribution is scheduled correctly
* Transfer funds for major gifting
* Find a local place to buy a phone screen protector
* GO bags updated/reconsider content
* Clean up & back up important files
* Call to get replacement recycle bin
* Book electrician to replace more ceiling lights
* Book carpet cleaning
* Book window cleaning or do it ourselves
* Turn in stucco repair request to HOA
* Get club scholarship info finalized and posted on website


  1. That's a very ambitious list! I LOVE that meme. I may have to borrow it for my New Year's Resolution.

  2. Borrow away - I did! It is ambitious but I am tired of being sluggish.

  3. Ambitious list of activities. I am wanting to get our carpets cleaned and maybe our windows, too. But March is our windiest month. So probably need to hold off on the windows til then.
    I like the idea of making something different for Christmas. We will be in Ft. Worth with my daughter as she delivers her second baby. So Christmas will look different for sure.
    Hope you will share pictures of your origami ornaments. That sounds like a great activity.

    1. What an exciting Christmas gift for all of you!

  4. What a great list. I really like how you have things under different headings.

    God bless.

  5. I love lists, even if not everything, or anything gets accomplished. Sounds like a busy but fun December.

    1. I so agree and the things that aren't done will either get moved to January or prove they didn't need/want doing!


March Reads - First half

I checked off   prompts this month for the 52 Books Reading Challenge. My favorite genres continues to be  Cozy Mysteries, Historical Myster...