
Sunday, November 21, 2021

Another week - another death in family, time with friends, binging on Endeavor

Another of Hubby’s very elderly aunts died this week which was not a surprise since she was in hospice but still nearly bringing the end of that generation in both our families. He has one aunt still living who just moved to assisted living and is really enjoying it as she is quite social.

I managed to give the dog a bath in the shower but had to have Hubby bring me a chair to sit on to dry her hair as the tile floor hurt the top of my foot. Still some healing left to do. 

Lovely lunch and long visit with three friends at the home of one of them. Also had a lively book club discussion group on another day. Always good to be social.

It took a couple of episodes but I got hooked on binge watching Endeavor although I never like the show Morse. Then I moved on to the UK version of Professor T.

A friend emailed me that she had lost her ambition. I think it is in hiding with mine lol.

Thankful for - 

Having another new member of my service club. I am already enjoying her company a lot.

My younger son calling us to just chat. Same with the older one and DIL.

Our granddaughter getting her first Covid shot on her 5th birthday! We have all been looking forward to this except her of course.


  1. I'm sorry to hear of another loss in your family. When all of my mom's and dad's siblings had passed, it felt like the end of a chapter. Having little ones born into the family really is such a joyful event, though, and it has helped us accept the deaths of our elders a bit more easily. How wonderful that your grand girl is getting her vaccine. Ours is only 2, so we wonder when she might get hers. Fingers crossed. It sounds like you've had a great week, Juhli. It's such a treat to be able to lunch with friends. Much to be grateful for!

    1. Thank you Pam. We had a silly (on her end) birthday morning FaceTime with our granddaughter. Lots of smiles on our end.

  2. We really enjoyed Prof T. It's kind of slow but quite well done. So happy your granddaughter got her vaccine!!

    1. Apparently she burst into tears when they told her she was getting it on her birthday but when we talked to her she was back to happy.

  3. So sorry for the loss of another in your extended family.

    Glad that your Granddaughter got her booster even if it was on her birthday.

    God bless.

  4. Hope the shot isn't too scary for your grand daughter.

    1. I don’t think ift is scary as like most kids she has had lots of vaccinations and flu shots. It was it being on her birthday that upset her.

  5. I loved Endeavor. I thought it was really good but then I also loved Morse. I find that interesting that you did not like Morse but like Endeavor. Did you watch Morse back in the day on PBS or recently? I noted that the picture quality was very poor and it does seem out of touch with the current times. I subscribe to both Britbox and Acorn for my British fix.

    1. I think it was both the actor and story lines of Morse that turned me off. I found the character annoying rather than interesting.


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