
Tuesday, July 27, 2021

What has worked really well for my second bunion surgery

 This time I tried to remedy everything that was tiring or made recovery longer. Obviously I couldn’t fix everything but I did make some changes that really helped.

Of course I have a live in helper/caretaker in my Hubby and would have to have done many other things if I was trying to deal with this on my own or with occasional help.

1. It is more tiring to use the knee scooter on carpet than hard floors so I set up a table in the guest room and put my clothing on it. No going to our closet in the carpeted bedroom to get clothes.

2. The first surgery I thought it was important to wear the walking boot all day. That ended up with my ankle being frozen. This time I am wearing it only when walking or as time progresses for a couple of hours a time.

3. I was too cautious about moving my ankle once the cast came off last time. This time I am rotating, flexing and pointing it several times a day. Much better range of motion at this point.

4. I didn’t prepare frozen breakfast foods the first time but did this time. Still tiring to get my own breakfast but easier on me and Hubby.

5. The retractable leash purchase has enabled me to let the dog out in the morning even from the knee scooter. Again much easier on Hubby.

6. Hubby suggested using Tupperware as bowls or plates for breakfast as less likely to spill. A good solution.

7. I bought a knee scooter with a basket and it is wonderful at reducing the number of trips for things.

8. I looked up exercises that could be done for leg strength with a cast on and have done them occasionally. Frequently would have been even better. Same with how to stretch leg muscles while lying down and upper body stretches while sitting.

9. Make sure your knee scooter is adjusted with the proper height seat and handlebars for maintaining good posture and then try to use it with good posture. It is way to easy not to. 

10. Don't slouch while sitting or lying with your leg elevated. Last time I tried to use one of those reading in bed pillows but it didn't work for me. 

11. Once you can stand with bare feet work on body alignment as the walking boot and scooter will throw it off. No need for additional aches and pains.

12. Figure out the easiest ways to get around your house, make your bathroom work for you and practice with your mobility aids before surgery! I did this the first time but again the second with the learning from before.

Things I wish I had done!

1. Rearrange some dishes and food items in pantry and frig so fewer trips were required to get them and they were within easier reach.

2. Have more clothing choices including PJs that would fit over my cast.

3. Figured out more easy outings as I am really sick of my home at this point.

4. Watched even more YouTube videos on how to be mobile, recovery tips, etc. There are some great PTs and other health care professionals who have created useful ones.

Medicare Factors

1. According to my podiatrist Medicare only pays for one walking boot every 3 years. That seems to also apply to the compression stocking so you may want to use an elastic bandage at night when you need wash it or buy a second one.

Hope this helps someone else. 

If you want to see the difference between one year of recovery and 4 1/2 weeks just compare my feet in the photo below.


  1. I'm glad to hear you took of your boot when you were sitting and let your leg "air out" for lack of a better description. Honestly, even as sustainable as I try to be if it were me I might have to got he paper route with the plates and bowls for a week or so!

    1. Absolutely paper goods and microwavable food if my husband wasn't here doing all the chores early on.

  2. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us, Juhli. Recently, a friend had emergency knee replacement surgery following a bad fall. After surgery, she had to go to a skilled nursing facility to recuperate for an entire month. She appreciated the care, but it felt endless to her. Now that she's home, recovering there, she and her husband are making plans to renovate their home for future possible health care considerations. Home reno is never easy, and often a big mess, not to mention the costs, but I think it might make a huge difference to those of us who want to age in place. BTW, your left foot has healed beautifully, and your right one is definitely on the mend, too.

    1. Having at least some aging in place things in a home can be so helpful at any age as we can have accidents or be weak from illness and need them for a time. The major problem we had in our home in Atlanta was the size of the bathroom doorway on the main floor. It would have been very costly to make that bathroom handicap accessible.

  3. It really helps to trouble shoot like you did, to solve or reduce issues before any surgery to make post-surgery easier. Be proud of yourself!

  4. You really got things planned to save you trips, plus adding the exercises really was a great idea.

    God bless.

  5. Great tips! So often making things easier is about thinking through our routines and asking "How does this need to change?" Your healing seems to be going fantastically! YAY!


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