
Sunday, June 20, 2021

One more week

Just one more hurdle to pass before my bunion surgery first thing Friday morning. I have a COVID test scheduled for Tuesday morning. No reason I shouldn't be ok with that so I'll be at the hospital no later than 5:45 am on Friday morning with surgery scheduled at 7:30. Last year it was delayed an hour but oh well.

This past week went well as I checked everything off my to do list.

Yesterday we had a lovely party at my social and service club to celebrate our ability to meet in person again and also the completion of the front yard re-landscaping and interior stair repair. We were also celebrating our upcoming partnering with another local club to provide earthquake survival kits for each classroom in the local school.

My older son and DIL joined us at the party and then took us out to dinner for Father's Day and spent the night.

This is what the front yard looks like right now on the side of the new patio area and the low impact planting side. A lovely change from overgrown plantings and splotchy grass/green weeds.

And we got our new banner up on the busy street side hoping to explain more about what we do.

The building was originally a one room school house that had a cloak room and bathroom. It was sold at auction to the club in 1924 for a token amount as the word went out not to bid against the women’s club. It was remodeled in the early 1930's with the kitchen and (I think) the stage and office area added. In about 1960 a separate entrance annex was added on to rent as the local library. Now it is rented to an engineering firm but has had various lives including as a dress shop. It is a registered county historic building.

We are entering a new "community recreation center" phase of use of the building as we will have renters who provide martial arts classes to children, a long time area yoga studio, and 3 different dance class groups. We actually had to block out days for our own use as the place will be so busy. Exciting and serendipitous as it will fund not only the scholarships we give and charitable donations but also enable us to do some needed maintenance work to the building. 


  1. Sounds like you've got all your bases covers and things will go as planned for another successful surgery.

    Your woman's group sure sounds like a great service club to belong to and support.

    1. It is a lovely group. Almost all the friends I have made since we moved here 4 years ago are from this group - plus some neighborhood ones. Kind, smart, interesting and fun women.

    2. If you lived here I'd be getting you to join - you seem as though you would fit right in.

  2. You're so organized, I'm sure it will all go well. Hopefully the time passes quickly.

  3. Happy to hear that your club party went well! The new landscaping looks so nice. When I saw the use of those round rocks as part of a border, it reminded me of how often we saw those in days gone by--quite fitting for the age and style of your building. I will send prays and warm wishes for the best possible outcome for your surgery! When you feel up to it, please let us know how you're doing. xoxo

    1. Thank you. The other benefit of lots of hardscaping and raised beds is that we don't have to try to keep grass alive and mowed in those areas.

  4. Hoping that your surgery goes very well. How wonderful that you got your to do list checked off.

    Love the new front to your club house. It will be so easy to look after.

    God bless.

    1. Thank you. The new landscaping was a gift from a long term member.


March Reads - First half

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