
Friday, April 16, 2021

Yeah for healthcare access and the funds to pay for it but boo for needing it

 I already mentioned that I need to schedule getting a crown on a tooth with hairline fractures. Yesterday I had my suspicions of a UTI confirmed and started antibiotics for that. It was surprisingly hard to get the lab test ordered and then to get the prescription filled took persistence. I did get a laugh as the quite young pharmacist faced with a prescription for penicillin asked a colleague if it wasn’t the oldest antibiotic produced. Yes, and it saved my Dad’s life when he had a ruptured appendix back when it was newly available. That means I am here to get its benefit too.

I delayed my mammogram until mid May based on the recommendation of waiting 6 weeks after your second COVID shot to help avoid a false positive due to lymph node swelling from immune system response. I was able to book the bone density test to be done right afterwards at least.

Now I am trying to sort out pre-op blood work, EKG and in person doctor visit and avoid the blood work and Zoom doctor visit as follow up for my physical. Don’t have the answer yet if they will let me combine them or insist on separate tracks.

Again, very happy it is all available and I can pay for it but thanks pandemic for bunching it all together in the space of a few weeks to be followed by foot surgery!

Then there is the little old poodle’s healthcare. We now have her blood pressure under control but her kidney function tests still are showing poor results. The vet is switching one of the blood pressure meds to see if it does a better job on kidney function. At least her quality of life is back to being good, she is energetic and playful and she is eating like there will be no more food if she doesn’t eat it all right now. So there is that to be very happy about. Maybe it is our age or the pandemic but we are all about prioritizing quality of life right now.

I’m not sure how people who aren’t comfortable with using computers get their healthcare organized these days. All this not only took lots of computer messaging to the doctor’s office but also the persistence, time and willingness to make repeated phone calls. Interestingly the dentist and vet are the most responsive although everyone I’ve dealt with has been very kind.


  1. Congratulations on managing healthcare for yourself and your dog! Now that we have been fully vaccinated, my husband and I are trying to do the same thing. We have never gone this long between dental and eye appointments, and although zoom appts were appreciated for general physicals, I think in-office visits are more effective. Thank goodness most healthcare providers were able to survive the pandemic, but it must have been very hard on them, financially, when all of us were staying home. I agree with you about being very grateful for insurance and the ability to pay for needed care. I sure don't want to take that for granted!

    1. Absolutely we shouldn’t take it for granted. So many don’t have it and that is horrible.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Funny ... I just this minute got back from my orthopedist where I got my annual Cortisone shot for my knee ... except I skipped last year due to Covid so it's been two years since my last shot which explains why I've been limping around the last few months. Yes ... three cheers for affordable (but it's not free) health care!

  3. I did not know you can take a dog's blood pressure and put them on meds for it.

    1. They just measure systolic pressure and in her case with a tiny cuff that goes on her leg. The meds are human meds repurposed but it is working. Of course the high blood pressure is due to kidney disease so we are simply trying to slow progression down and have a good quality of life.

  4. I cheat and let my doctors set up appointments for blood work and such. They seem to get much quicker results than me.

    Good for you on doing all that type of thing yourself. One brave lady.

    Hope the fur baby does well on the reduced medication and kidney function improves.

    God bless.

    1. Thanks Jackie. With the type of health care we have here we have to set up those appointments our self but they send the order to the lab so they have it when we show up.


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