
Monday, April 19, 2021

Catch up Month Monday #2

I’ve been sluggish but with good reason as I got the lab results Thursday afternoon that confirmed I have a UTI and have been taking medication. My mind has been too fuzzy to figure out how to cut the last two drawings that are a bit tricky due to fitting them both into one frame.

My friend who picked up a lavender plant for me along with her larger order insisted it is a gift which was very kind. We got it potted and it is perfect for the spot. I hope it thrives there. There are a different kind of purple flowers around the corner of the patio. The plant next to it puts out fuchsia flowers. The bees will be happy.

What is still to get done?

1. Cut down other drawings and deliver to framer.

2. Finish updating home inventory.  About half done.

3. Finish computer file cleanup. I would guess I am about half done not counting club emails and photos. Sigh.


  1. My wife loves Lavender. Several years ago we made a trip to the Portland, OR area and visited a Lavender farm. The acre or so of Lavender was very pretty and fragrant. You could pick a as much as you want and the pay at a box nailed to a tree. She brought it home and dried it out and it smelled great.

    1. Thanks for reminding me that we once visited a lavender farm and it was a lovely experience!

  2. My lavender plant only lasted two seasons. I hope you're does better. They smell SO good,

    I hate UTI!

  3. I have always planted lavender each year. Here it is an annual so I enjoy it for a few months every year.

    Perfect pot and place to plant yours.

    God bless.

  4. Glad you figured out what was ailing you. Those UTIs are trouble. Hope you are feeling clearer headed and better able to focus now.


March Reads - First half

I checked off   prompts this month for the 52 Books Reading Challenge. My favorite genres continues to be  Cozy Mysteries, Historical Myster...