
Monday, April 12, 2021

Catch up Month Monday #1

 A little progress.

I left two of my drawings at Micheal’s to get new mats and put in frames we had. I also got clear on how to cut down the remaining two so they will fit into one frame with a double opening mat.

Updating our home inventory for insurance purposes moved along as I completed the sections for the small bedroom and both bathrooms. As a bonus I spring cleaned all three rooms. I’m determined to get the house deep cleaned before my next foot surgery.

Went through my 1 drawer of paper files that need an annual review and found a bunch to discard. Now to shred those needing it.

 What is still to get done?

1. Cut down other drawings and deliver to framer.

2. Finish updating home inventory.  About half done.

3. Finish computer file cleanup. I would guess I am about half done not counting club emails and photos. Sigh.

4. Wait for lavender plant to be purchased as part of club landscaping purchase. Then pot it.


  1. I've never had to inventory my belongings for insurance. I wonder why.

  2. I have often thought that I should do an inventory of those pieces that are actually worth something. I do have some pieces of jewellery that probably should be inventoried.

    You are moving right along, bit by bit.

    God bless.


Five plus on Friday

Happy Pi Day! We are planning to visit a food truck midday to pick up a small pie to celebrate math and  🥧. 1. Glorious Spring weather on a...