
Tuesday, March 9, 2021

My dog gets better health care than many humans

 I don’t feel guilty about that but it really is too bad.

We just learned she has high blood pressure which may be exacerbating her kidney disease and weight loss from lack of appetite.

Add two more pills to her pill for her Addison’s disease and I will be giving her five pill doses a day plus one shot every 28 days at the vet (Addison’s treatment). 

She is on prescription food for kidney disease too. Oh and she needs her teeth cleaned and a grooming session. Ch

Lucky dog. Lucky us that she is a sweetheart and a fun companion. Turns 12 in July and has lived with us for a bit more than 10 years. We are of the mindset to be happy for each day she is a happy dog.


  1. I understand completely. I never skimped on medical care for my Levi either. Pets make us feel needed and happy all rolled into one working relationship to cherish as long as we can.

    1. I know you understand. How are you coping without Levi?

    2. In some ways I don't think it's sunk in yet but on the other hand I can't stand the quietness in the house.

    3. It is really hard to lose a fur companion and takes lots of time to adjust to their absence. Hugs.

  2. I believe much better care is available for pets nowadays, too. They have emergent care and many more medicinal options than years ago. Glad your furry girl is doing well.

  3. She is so loved. I miss our doggies and I miss our 2 cats we lost last year. With the pandemic we havent even looked at getting a new fur baby. Maybe this year!!

    1. We have been quite glad to have her company and need to go for walks during the pandemic. However we did go 7 or 8 years without a dog before we got her after I retired.

  4. My stoic husband, who always said he didn't believe in dogs in the house, dotes on Rudy. I wish I had video of how he hovered over pup when our power was out in the winter emergency. He didn't just 'allow' pup to sleep in bed with us, he insisted. Rudy put up with it for the first 24 hours or so, but after that he just went and sat by his kennel in our laundry room till we got the message...then hubs would get up every thirty minutes to make sure he hadn't kicked his covers off. LOL

    1. That is so sweet. My husband has been very emotional about our dog’s health troubles while I am more let’s do everything we can but as long as she is happy not get ourselves worked up.


March Reads - First half

I checked off   prompts this month for the 52 Books Reading Challenge. My favorite genres continues to be  Cozy Mysteries, Historical Myster...