
Monday, February 1, 2021

Money Monday wrap up and Moving on to Technology

 My focus in January was on finances and I made it through most things on my list.

 I still need to do our taxes I’m ready to move on to dealing with tech issues in February. I did decide to give TurboTax deluxe version a go so that is what I will use once all the info needed is available. Since it is online it fits in with February’s focus.

So here are my questions regarding technology.

1. What do you use to back up files?

2. How do you keep up with organizing emails and documents? And passwords too?


  1. I do taxes the old fashion way...I take the information to my CPA and have him do them. All records regarding banking and finance are not stored on a computer. I have a locked filing cabinet. I'm just too old to trust sensitive information on my computer that hackers could find and wipe me out with.

    1. I can understand that but we have lots of online banking investments so not an option.

  2. Hmmm, kind of a mixture of both hard copy and online. Our bank stores years of information, same with all our utilities.

    I keep hard copies of all passwords, and really don't organize my email at all.

    God bless.

    1. I didn’t organize my email much but have to create a permanent record of my club’s official activities so need to deal with all the emails with attachments.

  3. We have been using Turbo Tax for many years and have had no issue - knock on wood!!
    I have folders in my email box for different types of emails. Health and Insurance related, Banking, Home, Finances/Bills. That kind of thing. I go through and save things to those folders.
    I started using Dropbox, an online storage app, when I was still working so that I could work on lesson plans and save them to the same place no matter what device I was using. Have transferred my photos to Dropbox now, too. And have all of my financial information in a password protected folder on Dropbox. Along with my passwords. Hope that helps.

    1. That is pretty much what I do but I need to put more in Dropbox and memorize that password! My son uses a password app that only requires you to remember one so I need to research that too.

  4. We still have our accountant do our taxes. As for record keeping, we like paper and keep quarterly reports, then at the end of the year, we throw away the quarterlies and keep the annual statements, only. I do wonder, sometimes, about the safety of accessing our investments online. It's very convenient, and we like to be able to see our accounts. One thing that I really appreciate is the ease of online banking and bill paying. I sure don't want to go back to the old fashioned way of banking!

    1. We have used an accountant the past few years but now our taxes are simpler and we don't see the need. I'm with you on the pros and cons of online banking.


March Reads - First half

I checked off   prompts this month for the 52 Books Reading Challenge. My favorite genres continues to be  Cozy Mysteries, Historical Myster...