
Saturday, July 6, 2019

Six on Saturday - July 6th

A new month and this is my first week's highlights.

1. We got my FIL's painting back and I think the frame is perfect. Now to get it hung!

2. Put my money where my mouth is by donating to two non-profits that directly support immigrants, the ACLU, and 4 of the Democratic primary candidates that I truly want to see continue on.

3. Hubby suggested we get back into our regular dinner at the beach outings so we headed out to the Ventura pier on Monday for tacos while watching the ocean waves.

4. A friend invited me to go to a movie with her so we saw The Biggest Little Farm on Wednesday. I thoroughly enjoyed the movie although I had no expectations about it going in.

5. Go us! More windows and screens washed. We are so close to being done with only 2 left. And as far as I can tell, we have avoided using the AC all week by opening doors and windows in the morning and evening along with using all the ceiling fans.

6. We finally are having some warmer weather although not really warm (right on schedule for coastal S. Cal!) and I'm liking my summer wardrobe so sticking with my 3 Months No New Clothes is no challenge so far.


  1. I love that oil painting! What a wonderful tribute of and to your FIL.

    We have gotten increasingly involved in the refuge/asylum program, and it has been both gratifying and heartbreaking. What's happening now at our borders has caused a massive shift in my faith in humanity. I'm at a point where im wondering if we even have any of it here.

    This last week has been sublime, weather wise, for sure. We've had our windows open all day long, with the evenings still being somewhat chilly. I know the summer heat is coming, but right now our low 70 temps have been perfection.

    1. Thanks. We know have art by all 4 of our parents hanging in our house - such lovely mementos. And yes, the current situation does really test our faith in humanity doesn't it. I think the horrible people are always around but whether or not they are center stage makes such a huge difference.

  2. I love #1 almost as much as I love #2!

  3. I love how your summer clothing can all mix and match.

    The painting is beautiful and where you put your money in #2.

    1. Thank you. It is interesting that my FIL didn't think much of the painting and no one else wanted it when he passed. Framing makes such a difference in the professionalism statement I think. Best of all is that DH is really glad we took it now.

      I have worked hard at getting my wardrobe to suit me and mix and match. Glad to be taking a clothes shopping hiatus and spend time doing other things though.

  4. Have seen The Biggest Little Farm. We went to Yesterday instead ... and liked it.

    1. My husband saw Yesterday and liked it so much that he is willing to go see it again with me. We need to make that happen.

  5. How precious that you have art by all 4 parents hanging in your house! The frame is perfect for your FIL's painting. Lovely work.

    Speaking of are wearing those summery looks so well. Your kimono is so light and feminine. You wear those summery colors - coral and pink - so well.

    I don't know what the answer is at our borders. I live in El Paso, and we just cannot take care of our own much less the huge influx of illegal immigrants. We are a very poor community and I have taught for years in Title I (low economic status) schools where children have nothing and go home to nothing. Some of them here illegally, but not of their choosing, of course. And many of them legal residents who are hungry, and abused and coming from terribly dysfunctional families. My heart goes out to all of the children. But we are overwhelmed in El Paso.

    1. I know El Paso is overwhelmed and it shouldn't be! I just hate the way people are being treated at the border and want their rights respected.

  6. I really like your summer wardrobe. I've still got too many clothes but I'll wear them out rather than waste them. You suit the coral and sand combination. The immigrant problem is a serious one everywhere. We have admitted wealthy Asian people who have bought up homes and driven prices up when what we need are workers in service and construction areas, We need to pay those people a living wage because our cost of living is high. I'm donating to a library in Mexico hoping that more children will have the opportunity to continue with their education.

    1. I admire your support of that library. Libraries change lives.


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