
Friday, February 23, 2018

What next with this blog?

Before I left to head to Berkeley to visit our younger son, DIL and granddaughter, I asked what I might blog about going forward.

Some suggestions were:

Move related:
- How of dealing with major change in retirement
- Changes to hobbies, clubs, etc. with move
- East/West differences
- Things I miss and things I now enjoy after move
- Differences in shopping, restaurants, festivals, etc.

Retirement related:
- How we now divide up chores, financial management, etc.
- Style in retirement - changes in way dress

I'm thinking I might also focus on:
- Adjusting expectations about what retirement will be to fit one's actual situation
- Moving closer to family after retirement and reintegrating into their lives after an absence
- Keeping up with technology to keep apace with young family members and tools that help us
- and of course general randomness about family, activities, clothing, etc.

What else would be of interest?


  1. Replies
    1. That is a tough one especially for us Introverts!

    2. I feel like this is a reflection of time, and there doesn't seem to be anyway to hurry it up. In my experience it seems to take a minimum of a year for an acquaintance to then become a friend. I am curious about other's perspectives on this as well.

  2. East/West differences could be fun, so could the general randomness about family, activities, clothing, etc. Dealing with your grown-up children, and your grandchildren?

  3. Wonderful ideas Juhli, but at the end of the day I hope you'll be true to what interests you first and foremost. You and I have different approaches on what makes our retirement click for us, but that's what makes life so darn interesting! Oh, and PS - we will be coming your way in late May, so I'll keep you posted about a possible lunchtime meet up. :-)

  4. One sad aspect married people need to acknowledge is that in almost every case one of the spouses will be left a widow or widower. This is a shocking thing to deal with in retirement and for some, in addition to heart break, there is financial crisis. Some of my friends live only on one social security check.

    1. That must be hard for your friends. We have carefully thought through the one person finances so fingers crossed!


Five plus on Friday

Happy Pi Day! We are planning to visit a food truck midday to pick up a small pie to celebrate math and  🥧. 1. Glorious Spring weather on a...