
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

August mini goals update - end of week 2

Wow, it is August14th already and the month is flying by! This morning was spent collecting things - my retainer from the orthodontist, my glasses from the optician, groceries from the grocery store, and a new squeaky toy squirrel from the pet store (Oh happy dog!). Leftovers for lunch, dog walking, gym and making eggplant parmesan for dinner are next.

I'm happy to say that this past week I've made more progress on my mini goals.

- I've finished the basic tutorials on Windows 7
- Decided to go back to Tracfone and received my new, cheap refurbished cell phone. I need to  transfer my unused minutes and use it with a wireless connection while I learn its features.
- I've consistently made it to the gym 2 days a week
- We are sticking to our dinner menu plan and haven't gone out to eat
- Picked up new glasses
- We attended a Federal pre-retirement planning seminar
- I bought a plane ticket to visit my Mother in early September. My Brother will again be my airport transportation on that end and lend me a car to save me the rental cost.
- Made an appointment for a routine mammogram

On the still to do list:
- Learn more about Office 2013, back up options, and the Windows photo editing program
- Recycle old computer and phone
- Select a genealogy program and download and then learn how to use it
- Look at options for retiling shower in master bath
- Make an annual physical appointment and a Dermatologist screening appointment

And on the simply gave up list:
- Gave up on syncing Outlook with Comcast as the download didn't work
- It has been so hot, muggy and wet that I haven't made any more progress on doing a pruning and weeding circuit of entire yard

I'm pretty happy with what got done this past week and look forward to a lunch with friends this Friday while continuing to chip away at my list.


  1. Sounds like a very productive week!

    1. Your weeks sounds like mine. I guess that thing about retirement - I am busier now than ever - is true. I have divided my week into certain days. Monday I write my blog, Wednesday is Project Day where I do something around the house that hasn't been done in ages, Friday is Fabulous Friday where I try to dress up and not look like how I do the rest of the week. And I go to the gym 3-4 times. Add to that all kinds of life's to do's and the week has passed!


    2. Yes, how did we get it all done when we worked full time and raised kids! I know I was stressed and tired most of the time but also very high energy unlike now.


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