
Monday, July 1, 2013

Mid-year refocusing and progress

I was surprised when I looked at my 2013 goals and decided I had completed 2 of them- Address physical health issues and Be happy with what I wear. I'm declaring them done for the year! Going forward I am going to focus on exercising and how I spend my time. I'll continue with decluttering slowly and saving for retirement but won't be reporting the outcomes.

Deciding to "retire" from paid consulting work has left me curious what I want to devote my time to going forward. I've also discovered that it is awkward right not to try to answer the question "So how are you spending your time?"

We had a lovely evening last night with old friends from way back in grad school who were in town and I couldn't really answer that question to my satisfaction at least. I know I don't want to schedule my days so full that it feels like I am working again. I have a friend who has done that and she seems just as stressed as when she was working full time.

I'm continuing with my book club, reading for pleasure, Friends of the Library volunteer work, walking the dog, and doing more of the daily chores as well as planning more fun activities in our life. I've talked to the head of the library foundation about being involved in developing content for their new website. I'm joining a gym when we get back from vacation later in July. I may get back to my painting, visit all of the art museums in town/go on art walks or other little goals.

That's it so far!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great "unplanned" life plan!


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