
Monday, May 27, 2013

A lovely long weekend

We had some fun
- Attended a free and quite good 116th GA Army National Guard Band concert at the Carter Center; the best part was watching the little kids "conduct" along with the conductor

- Went out for a beer after the concert
- Went to the Atlanta Botanical Garden for one final visit before our membership expires May 31st
Hubby and to our surprise there is a special exhibit going on of living sculptures

- Grilled salmon using new plank grilling set that was Hubby's gift from son at wedding

We did some work
- Hubby trimmed the ivy and juniper away from borders and stairs, walked the dog each day, cleaned the kitchen lights and Solar tube and did some vacuuming, and changed the bed
- While I volunteered at successful Friends of the Library book sale that netted $4,900, pulled and sprayed weeds, pruned bushes, did the laundry, and priced out the Thanksgiving Road Scholar program in Santa Fe - haven't decided if attending as it would be about $4,000 for the 2 of us but lots of fun.

We also marveled at how lovely the weather was; cool for GA in May and not humid!!!!, enjoyed how quiet our neighborhood is without traffic, and relaxed.

Hope you had a lovely weekend too.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a lovely weekend with both work and play. Congrats on the successful book sale. The living sculptures were cool!


What I’m Reading Wednesday

Another book for the challenge - Prompt 50: Set in the 1940’s.  One of those plots that shifts from present day to the 1940s and back repeat...