
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Last week of trying to buy only what is needed - I failed

I spent $122.32 on food/toiletries/household and again that was awfully close to last year's weekly spending average was $139.82 so I only have $17.50 to add to last week's savings for the month of $52 for a total of $69.50. I was hoping to have saved/not spent $100 by the end of February to make an unbudgeted contribution to a local organization that works to eliminate homelessness for families. I'll make the donation regardless as I am doing this to remind myself in a concrete way how I live in abundance.

I gave in this week and bought things we didn't need (4 packages of ground turkey at $1.50 off, Cheerios at 2/1 plus $1 off coupon, wild rice mix at $1 off were the biggest offenders). Without those purchases I would have had another $22.95 to add to my savings for the month for a total of $91.95. I'm sure there are other things I wouldn't have bought this month if I really was living on $100 less a month for this category of expenses. I am happy though with how it made me think more about food insecurity issues and look at my buying patterns.

1 comment:

  1. It's great that you've been mindful about your spending. It sounds like the groceries you "didn't need" are things that you will use, and won't go to waste. So that might result in savings next month.


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