
Friday, July 27, 2012

I think my brain has heat exhaustion!

All week I've been trying to think of something to post but each time I give up rather quickly.  It must be the heat!  I am blaming it for everything - not cleaning the house, not walking the dog, not really going anywhere or seeing any friends, not doing yard work, etc.  Of course I could blame it on the air conditioning - but I am not going to think even one negative thought about air conditioning LOL!!!!!  It is my friend.

I did finally drag myself out of the house for something other than errands, orthodontist appointments or keeping up with the donated books for the library book sale.  I went to a colored pencil drawing class last night (side benefit of not dozing off in front of the TV).  I think I like drawing in color.  I can draw in black but I really like color and so lose interest fast.  I am working on learning how to use the materials by copying a picture of 4 different colored peppers.  Good brain exercise in air conditioned comfort at the county art center right around the corner.

What are you doing to live through the long hot days of summer if you aren't lucky enough to live somewhere that has tolerable weather?  I could use some ideas!


  1. Just working and reading around here. I have not been motivated for much else. Well, we have been gone some and are having visitors. It makes it tough to get a momentum going and stick with something. I have been thinking more and more about photography classes...

    1. I vote for photography classes - your photos are fantastic so if you enjoy the art go for it!

  2. It's been crazy hot here all summer... My central air has been on forever. :( We just carry on as usual unless it's 40c plus... Then we hide indoors! ;)

    1. I had to do the conversion on 40c which led me to say that you are tougher than I am! I hate heat combined with humidity which is what we get.

  3. Make mint tea. All the herbal teas, sage, thyme, mint, picked fresh, if possible, make relaxing teas.


Five plus on Friday - My week in review

Oops, perhaps I requested too many books at once from the library, 1.  I visited the library to pick up the books requested including 2 requ...