
Monday, May 14, 2012

Getting back on track: This week's mini-goals

I haven't accomplished much on my 2012 goals lists in the last six weeks.  Instead I have been traveling, going to PT, going out to eat quite a bit and generally feeling pretty blah.  We did have a good time yesterday checking out three smaller exhibits at the art museum, going out for coffee and talking to our sons by phone.

Time to get back on track and accomplish more though.  This week in addition to the usual grocery shopping, cooking, laundry and housework, I plan to:

- Distribute flyers for Friends of the Library book sale
- Volunteer at the botanical garden - my first outdoor kitchen assistant commitment
- Volunteer at the library sorting donated books

- Call a former colleague to see if there might be work on a project she is leading
- Follow up with clients in current project

- SORTA PASS/SORTA FAIL: Keep up with daily physical therapy exercises (M,W,Th, Sa) and dog walking (M,Tu,Th, Su)
- FAIL: Go swimming twice if weather permits - I'll admit it, I have been too tired from all of the yard work, book sorting, Pilates and dog walking to even consider this.
- Go to the dentist for an extra cleaning due to braces
- Pilates session on Wednesday

Home Chores:
- Drop off collected decluttered items at Goodwill on way back from dentist
- Try to find a place to donate dog crate and drop it off
- FAIL: Finish deep cleaning the bathroom floors - Mopped kitchen floor instead
- Do some weeding since the rain will have made that easier - M,T,W
- PROGRESS, BUT NOT DONE: Clean paperwork off of desk

- Decided to do some work ourselves and get a second bid on the work we can't do. Decide what we are going to do with yard work bid - It has been sitting for a couple of weeks so I guess we are struggling with spending so much money on things we could do if we just had the energy!

I'm both tired and hopeful just thinking about this list!  What is on your plate for the week?


  1. I will have some bills to pay and hopefully a new Grandchild to cuddle this week.
    That is a pretty impressive list you have there, good luck with it all...

  2. Great list! You'll have a very productive week getting all this accomplished! :)

  3. Thanks - it is easier for me to get a long list done as our children are grown and I only work periodically. Wish me luck.

  4. Learning a new job! And trying to catch up on some lost sleep. : )

  5. You did really well with this list :)
    I get frustrated as I seem to run around a lot but not achieve much. At least this week I finally listed a pile of clothes on Gumtree and took a bag of stuff to the charity shop.

    1. Good for you! I find it really helps to have a list of what I want to get done in addition to the day to day. There is such satisfaction to checking things off.


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