
Friday, April 20, 2012

Nice clients, fun colleagues, successful trip - and I'm worn out!

I am back home after my whirlwind business trip which was chock full of meetings with really nice clients and fun dinners (and perhaps too much wine LOL) with interesting and lovely colleagues I have seen twice a year for about 10 years now as we all work on this project.  Some new colleagues too who were very nice and fun.  Even travel, including connecting flights, went smoothly.  As usual when I woke up this morning however I am pooped!

So my plans for the day are minimal.  I've already been to get a latte and to the library and picked up some reading and an interlibrary loan copy of Rightsizing Your Home: How To Make Your House Fit Your Lifestyle by Gale C. Steves (in my attempt to bring no more clutter into the house, I did not buy a used copy!).  I'll let you know how worthwhile I think it is. 

My quick trip to the library ended up taking 2+ hours.  I stopped by the library foundation offices for a 2 minute chat with the Director and we talked for about 1 1/2 hours - such an interesting person who is quickly becoming a friend.  Then I went to transact a bit of Friends of the Library business and ran into a fellow board member and chatted with her - another friend in the making.  Good thing I'm not on a tight schedule today.  I really enjoy these unplanned conversations.

The rest of the day is about going through the mail, sending follow up emails, filling out expense account forms, etc.  At a leisurely pace may I add.

By the way I want to thank fellow bloggers for helping me get compliments on my clothing while on my trip.  I don't usually get any and am usually the one admiring the outfits of my female colleagues who live in the New York City/Philadelphia/New Jersey area and who have great individual styles.  I think reading and seeing the photos on blogs like Bliss'Vivienne'sAdrienne's, Pam's, and Janet's helped me put together more interesting outfits to take.  I even auditioned them with accessories Adrienne!  Thanks for that suggestion in your posts about your upcoming trip to Italy.  Check out these lovely ladies blogs for inspiration on style and so much more about living life well at all ages.


  1. Sounds like everything is going so well for you. I hope you have a nice weekend too :)

  2. Thanks Martha. It was a good week. Onward to the next one.


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