
Friday, March 9, 2012

I so want to downsize!

I am so ready to downsize (and move back to California but that is another topic)!  The big "but" though - and  it is big - is that hubby doesn't want to even think about downsizing until he retires from his current job in 6(!!!!) years.  What can I do in the meantime?

I really am looking for inspiration - please add suggestions.  Too much house.  Way to too much yard work.  I don't want it all anymore but I have it and will for years.  Send me some ideas and inspiration so I can see it is 6 years of preparing instead of 6 years of struggling.


  1. Sure wish I had some suggestions but I'm in the same position you are with about 6 years before I can downsize too.
    Happy Friday :)

    1. Martha - I know that in the big picture of life it is a small thing but there are days it really frustrates me! Guess we can cope together.

  2. I think you're on the right track already by thinking of it as 6 years to prepare. Believe it or not, 6 years ago we moved from a house we had lived in for 30 years. You know we downsized a lot. However, ever since we've been in our new house, we have continued to downsize. (Who knew we had so much stuff?) It might take you 6 years to complete. Good luck.

    1. We don't tend to accumulate much but just the difference in house size and location will require shedding things I know. Glad you were able to do it.

  3. I dream of downsizing too. Until you can do it, can you rent out space? Close off rooms or an upstairs? Just pretend they don't exist.

  4. Bliss - Thanks for the suggestions. We do use the entire house but it just doesn't fit my vision of how I want my life to be at this point. What I struggle with is the amount of yard work and the need to keep pouring money into repairs. I'm lucky we can manage it both financially and physically I know.

  5. Juhli, I have kids who still need a home to come to, as well as the fact that I could not get the hefty deposit back I made if I tried to sell the house now (fortunately I have a 22 year old who does yard work). my solution is to downsize my life as much as is reasonably possible on the inside of the house (im not a minimalist-so my downsizing may not be what someone elses is), earn money while I still can earn at least some, and move forward

  6. I so understand where you're coming from! I'm over maintaining a large house and garden too. We down-sized 9 years ago to move to the U.K. but to cut a long story short, even though we sold our house and most things in it, the move was aborted at the last minute as my husband's job offer fell through. In 9 years I have managed to accumulate heaps of stuff again! We are looking to downsize and move to the U.K. in about 2 years time, but having down-sized once, for some reason I'm having trouble motivating myself to do it again!
    Maybe you need to set 12 six-monthly goals in order to motivate you to getting the house decluttered. Simplify your garden as much as possible to cut down on yard work. It will be a pain at first (I'm yet to do this so I understand!)but the end will be worth it. Good luck and keep blogging your progress to help motivate you!:)


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