
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Yesterday's highlights

Finishing this with Hubby doing the hard work (digging up saplings in the woods).

 Led to this.

Which led to this.

My book club decided we should read something popular with younger generations and picked this book.  It was a quick and engaging read and I can see why the series is popular. 

Have you read it and the rest of the series?  Is there other young adult literature you have read recently?


  1. I haven't read it, but have heard it's a good read, enjoy! :)

  2. Carla, I finished it and am passing it on to another book club member. Requested the next book in the series from the library.

  3. M DD has all of the books in her classroom for the kids to check out. They love all of them!! I need to try one out

    1. Debby, I think it is kind of "Lord of the Flies" for this generation with a bit of the science fantasy/future world stuff thrown in. I enjoyed it and it is a quick read.

  4. I've read the series. I couldn't put them down.

    1. That is good to know! I've requested the second one from the library and am looking forward to reading it too.


March Reads - First half

I checked off   prompts this month for the 52 Books Reading Challenge. My favorite genres continues to be  Cozy Mysteries, Historical Myster...