
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

An award!

The lovely and chic Bliss of Stepping My Way to Bliss has nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award.  I really enjoy reading her posts about her life at Bliss House (that really is the name of her house!), her dog Rockefeller, and lovely thoughts about life.  She has an Etsy Store too which has great vintage items - check out at Vintage French Chic  - I know you'll want to buy something!

I am supposed to share seven random things about myself that you may not know.   So here goes:

1. I grew up in the Midwest thinking I wanted to be an oceanographer and actually majored in that for the first two years of college before switching to psychology.  

2. I think I really just wanted to live near an ocean and I managed that for most of my adult life simply by living various places on the West coast until moving 14 years ago.

3. I was in 4-H for 9 years as a "city" girl and competed at the state fair with a tailored coat I had made.  I still use the skills I learned in 4-H but find it is the ones I didn't know I would learn like public speaking, planning and organizing projects, and leadership that have served me most over the years.

4. As a child I would climb my neighbor's weeping willow tree and happily sit there for hours dreaming hot summer days away.

5. I try to go to every special exhibit at the art museum here.  My first trip to an art museum was when I was about 9 and my Mom and two of her friends took their three daughters on a train trip to Chicago.  We went to the art museum and shopping in downtown.

6. I have a lifelong love affair with libraries.  My Mom would take us on the bus every week to the library in our town and we would get a pile of books.  I think I read every story that involved horses that was on the shelves of the children's section.  I still go to the library once a week and I'm very involved in the Friends of the Library trying to raise money to support it.

7. I was determined to have as my next dog a Golden Retriever who liked all dogs and people so I could train it to be a therapy dog.  Instead I fell in love with a rescued mini-poodle who it afraid of people other than us although she has gotten over her fear of dogs! 
The second part of the award is to nominate 15 bloggers.  Just like Bliss, I hate to make this choice as I think every blog on my blogroll deserves it!  So if you are on my list and haven't already received this award please accept this nomination for the Versatile Blogger awared - and you would like to have it…nab it.


  1. I like these awards because you get to find out little tidbits of information that you wouldn't normally ever know.

    I am a library lover, too. My mom used to take me when I was a kid, as well. We would hang out there and read magazines, peruse the shelves for books - great memories.

    Your poodle mix sounds like my rescued Yorkie. I still have to keep her away from small children and she would never pass a therapy dog certification, but she is coming around.

    Do you still live in the Midwest? Did you once live in Northern California?

  2. Adrienne, thanks for your comment. I left the midwest upon high school graduation and went to Seattle for 6 years, then to Stockton, CA for 2 and spent the rest of my time in CA in the LA area and San Diego. I miss CA a lot.

  3. There's something about a library that makes me feel centered and calm. I love them too!


Dinners & the week ahead

I am determined that this week with lots of rainy days forecast that I will finally get through most of the paperwork that has been sitting ...