
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Healthy Wednesdays - So what do we eat?

Like most baby boomers we are trying to do what we can to maintain our health.  We have focused for years on eating healthfully.  Right now that means a low salt, low cholesterol diet with a non-dairy diet for my husband and restrictions on hard/crunchy/sticky foods for me due to having braces on my teeth.  So what do we eat?  Here is a snapshot of one week of meals.

- vegetarian chili with green and red peppers with non-dairy cornbread
- sauteed wild salmon with peas, green salad and orange slices
- eggplant parmesan with a hearty green and vegetable salad
- sauteed pork chops with teriyaki sauce, canned pineapple, and jasmine rice
- pasta with green and yellow peppers and goat cheese
- Date Night: brew pub dinner of grilled trout over rapini
- sweet potatoes, couscous with raisins and nuts, pear slices

- for me these included toast with no salt peanut butter, banana nut muffins, shredded wheat or oatmeal with milk, one egg on toast, or yogurt plus fruit and coffee
- for my husband these include toast with no salt peanut butter, non dairy frozen waffles or pancakes, or eggs with toast plus orange juice, blueberries and coffee

- for me these are usually leftovers, soup, or a sandwich plus fruit and/or vegetables
- for my husband always an apple, carrot sticks and unsalted roasted almonds plus leftovers, soup, sandwich, or frozen low salt enchiladas

Nothing very exciting except the dinner out, but pretty healthy overall I think.  Also none of it takes long to cook which is a plus.


  1. I think these are great dinner ideas. I'm trying to make dinner every night, and so far it's been going good.

  2. Thanks Michelle P. - We have always cooked most dinners and specialize in the speedy but healthy. I look forward to checking out your blog.


March Reads - First half

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